Been writing about movies a lot lately. Loved PAGE ONE: Inside The New York Times—especially David Carr’s scenes; Higher Ground, Vera Farmiga’s directorial debut, Woody Allen’s Midnight in Paris; Gerald Cuesta’s Roadie; and How to Live Forever a movie of interviewing happy folks living into their 90s and 100s.
I am writing the reviews as fast I can without risking quality. Here it is Saturday morning and I’m already looking forward to a nap. In the meantime my latest book reviews are available on my website.
Vera Farmiga was lovely to interview and even prettier in-person. Her face lit up when I asked her if she enjoyed directing her younger sister in her new film, Higher Ground. Her sister plays a younger version of Farmiga’s character in the film.
Farmiga made a point of not judging a fantatic group of Evangelists. She didn’t try to show them as anything but who they were and she made their personal dramas and ensuing strife very relatable for anybody.
The Woody Allen press conference is Tuesday and of course I’m looking forward to that. My reviews for Midnight in Paris will appear in The Jewish Daily Forward and Resident magazine.
My full review will be the cover story of the August Resident magazine. Her film hits theaters in August.