Barack Obama Wins Major Victory! HCR Bill Passes!!

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Congress approved Obama’s health care reform bill that will provide medical coverage to 32 million U.S. citizens.The vote was 219 to 212. I was surprised that 34 Dems joined Republicans to vote against the bill. The new legislation is being hailed by the Democrats as a historic advance in our society along the same lines as Social Security and Medicare. Low and middle-income people will greatly benefit from this. While the folks who earn $200,000 annually, and couples who earn a combined $250,00, will especially feel the pain of tax increases. It will cost our country $938 billion over a ten year period. Illegal immigrants will not be benefiting. This bill will reduce our federal deficit by $143 billion in the next decade. Stricter government control will be placed on health insurance companies. I am self-employed, work hard, pay taxes and take good care of myself yet I must pay close to $10,000 on health insurance each year. Then very little is covered. I am so pleased that restraints will be put on insurance companies. I feel they’ve had practically free-reign to look after their own financial interests for years and not those of the American people. So, my mood is lifted today and I’m once again, very pleased, that I voted for Barack Obama to be my president!