This is a guest post by Todd Kinsey
The only thing politically correct about Gary Buslik’s novel Akhmed and the Atomic Matzo Balls is the equal opportunity in which he attacks, well – everything. Buslik lambastes liberals, conservatives, world politics, religion, Gilligan and higher education with hilarious impunity.
One can only imagine how his colleagues in academia received this sardonic masterpiece but one would imagine not too kindly. I found myself actually laughing out loud as I read this brilliant political satire. At one point I thought my spousal equivalent, aka my wife, was actually going to throw the book across the room because I kept waking her up.
In this day and age where political correctness seems to have replaced logic and reason, it is refreshing to see someone point out the seemingly endless hypocrisy that exists in the world today. To be honest, I couldn’t tell you what political affiliation Gary is, all I know is he is one funny guy and an extremely talented writer. I highly recommend this book as a far better way to spend a weekend than watching tired reruns on the boob tube.
You can order Gary’s book from Amazon or check out his website Gary If Gary’s ever in Houston, I hope we can go have a couple of beers and a good steak.