
My Essay in this Sunday’s New York Times

Look for my essay in this Sunday New York Times Review section! There will be an excerpt in print and the full essay online in the Opinionator’s Townies column. This is very nice news. Wooooot.

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Skinny Dotty and Her Chocolates

Chicken Soup for the Chocolate Lover’s Soul. An essay about Skinny Dotty and Her Chocolates in a Chelsea, NYC co-op apartment building.

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Looking Up in Grand Canyon

My romantic daydreams of the Grand Canyon never included sleeping in a tent with my 72-year-old mother. I looked at Mom and the hard bodies of our fellow hikers and wondered if I’d call attention to myself when I collapsed on jagged rocks and moaned for a deli and a Diet Coke.

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The Curse of Having a Cute Dog

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are loving, kind, smart, gentle, playful, affectionate and mischevious. If you want a cuddly lapdog, this breed is for you!

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