Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD)


Matthias Schoenaerts Smolders in Steamy Dark Thriller ‘Disorder’

Matthias Schoenaerts gives a standout performance in Disorder as French Special Forces ex-soldier Vincent, an Afghanistan war veteran with severe PTSD that includes paranoia and hallucinations. Vincent is stuck in what writer-director Alice Winocour describes as “a state of war.” Diane Kruger also stars.

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Bill Cosby

Rape, Trauma, PTSD and Bill Cosby

This Bill Cosby scandal has triggered memories. Before my rape, I had voluntarily drunk rum and smoked a few hits of pot. Afterward, I was afraid people wouldn’t believe anything I said because I was high.

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Bill Cosby

Is Bill Cosby a Serial Rapist? And Why Don’t Victims Tell?

I often wonder what it would’ve been like if I had told. Would that have kept me from turning into a drug addict? Would my self-esteem have been higher? Would my attempted suicides have happened? Maybe my relationships would’ve been healthier and longer-term instead of coming and going like riders in a subway car. I’ll never know.

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