In Black Sea, Jude Law plays Captain Robinson, a blue collar guy whose hit hard times. He’s been fired and kicked out of the British Navy. “I just finished shooting,” said director Kevin Macdonald (Marley, The Last King of Scotland) in a one-on-one exclusive interview with Dorri Olds. “It was filmed on a real Russian submarine from the 1960s and most of it takes place inside the sub. I’ll start editing as soon as I get back to London. It’s a submarine thriller. The atmosphere in the submarine is intense and claustrophobic and it stars Jude Law as a captain of the sub.” When pressed for more details he said, ”
A bunch of Russian and English guys that used to be in the navy. They lost their jobs and are miserable and bitter. One hears a story about a ship with gold that was given by Stalin to Hitler. They go off to search for the gold in a World War II era U-boat. It’s about greed and love. It’s sort of a modern version of the The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.”
Photos by Alex Bailey for Focus Features.