Wow! What a great movie!! I must warn you though, lots of violence and scary suspense. I felt exhausted afterwards. But, MAN! that was one heckuva good flick — fantastic actors, terrific writing. It’s very close to being as good as the first (Girl With The Dragon Tattoo). These are based on a series of three books. I’m definitely going to see the next one. Can’t wait! One thing: why don’t the art directors know to put white type with black outline into subtitles? That way you would’ve been able to see every single word easily in every frame. I don’t remember the subtitles being at all a problem in the first film. Synopsis: This girl was abused and she is pissed! She is such a cool character — brilliant with computers and posesses a photographic memory. The other main character is a good man, a journalist, who you’ll totally root for. Both movies are engrossing. Ok, I have spoken 😉

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