3 more of my articles will be coming out in the first week of April. One is about writer, music-biz advisor, and self-empowerment coach, Daylle Deanna Schwartz. Daylle’s ecclectic mix of careers is evidence of her non-stop energy. Check out her website and you’ll see how much one woman can get done! Puts most of us to shame! Another April article is about fun NYC Spring activities. The 3rd article is about a luxury resort that offers whale watching and programs that gives instructions—through fun games and interactive events—how to take better care of our environment. I’ll post all 3 as soon as the April issue of The Resident magazine becomes available. The current online Resident is the March issue. On the home page, in the 2nd listing, peruse, “Let There Be Art: Spring 2010 Exhibits.” 2 additional articles can be viewed by clicking the top left magazine cover icon. When the vicab viewer appears in the window use the scroll bar to visit page 157—an interview with Julie and Madelyn Petrow-Cohen. This piece covers financial planning and the emotional aspects of money stress. The Last Word column in the March issue is on the last page. It’s an interview with bestselling author and speaker Laura Fredricks and her new book, The Ask, about getting what you ask for. Hope you enjoy! Comments are always welcome! And please feel free to tell me about any new books or events you’d like covered. I’m always open to your ideas.