As Michael Bloomberg’s third term comes to an end here are some of his noteworthy numbers.
$1 Salary Bloomberg earns yearly as mayor of New York City
$370,000,000 Amount of money Bloomberg Philanthropies distributed in 2012 for Bloomberg’s charitable activities in public health, environment, government innovation, initiative, arts and education
$7.5 billion Amount of money allotted to Bloomberg’s municipal affordable housing plan, the largest since the Koch administration
$108,371,685 Amount Bloomberg spent on his campaign for a third term as mayor
$27 billion Networth, in dollars, making Bloomberg the 7th richest man in the US
523,000 Twitter followers
450 Miles of bike lanes created during Bloomberg’s tenure as mayor
1,000 Number of NYPD officers devoted to the counter-terrorism unit created under Bloomberg’s leadership in 2002
16 Maximum number of ounces of soda and juices allowed in NYC restaurants under Bloomberg’s attempted beverage ban
532,911 Number of New Yorkers searched by the NYPD’s controversial stop-and-frisk program in 2012, a 548 percent increase since Bloomberg’s first year in office
108 Bloomberg is the 108th Mayor of the City of New York
Political Parties:
Democratic (Before 2001)
Republican (2001–2007)
Independent (2007–Present)
source: Manhattan, October 2013