Orange is the New Black Series 4 Confirmed
The hotly anticipated return of everybody’s favorite Netflix series has been getting mixed reactions. “Orange is the New Black” was created by Jenji Kohan based on the memoirs of real-life inmate Piper Kerman about her own experiences in prison. The series has received critical acclaim, 12 Primetime Emmy Award nominations and accumulated rabid fans that claim to subscribe to Netflix just so they can watch the show. The third season premiered on June 11, 2015 but some are questioning if the magic is still there.
Storylines Continue
OITNB Season 3 opened with a special Mother’s Day event for the inmates as Joe Caputo debuted his more relaxed attitude toward running the prison. As Bennett faces up to Daya’s extended family he begins to realize the arduous road ahead. Through the backstories of Big Boo we watch her struggle with family expectations. It’s all about pressure to be more feminine, learning about Chang, and discovering there’s an Amish inmate in the midst.
Steadfast Fan Base
The show’s huge following has created a hungry demand for OITNB merchandise like the recently developed app made by Sankeerna Wali that quizzes fans on their trivia knowledge of the show to a Crazy Eyes keychain. It’ll be interesting to see how many ways the fans will root for the drama. We can only guess if we’ll see theme parks pop up or slot machines, like the Terminator 2 slot and a whole host of companies cashing in with new games. Gambling in the prison is strictly forbidden, of course, but that doesn’t mean the fans won’t go crazy getting greedy for more and more and more.
2016 Season 4 Confirmed
Fans were ecstatic to hear that the show has been renewed for a fourth season, which will debut in 2016. No doubt there will be countless questions left unanswered by this series finale. In the meantime, the actresses who have enjoyed success on the show are developing their own projects for fans to enjoy in the interim. Laverne Cox stars with Lily Tomlin in “Grandma,” opening Aug. 21, she played Sheena on “The Mindy Project, ” and she’s now filming the movie, “Doubt.” And Taylor Schilling’s movie, “The Overnight,” just hit theaters on June 19.