I want to see this flick at least five more times! What a perfect movie. Crazy tension and suspense, plus romance, car chases, themes of loyalty (and lack of), crime, violence and artistic filmmaking. I loved it. I want to watch it over and over until I’ve learned every single line—like I did with Silence of the Lambs.
Ryan Gosling is now officially a movie star if you ask me. His sex appeal is over the top. Albert Brooks took a riveting turn to the dark side. The director is brilliant. This film has got to get some Oscar noms.
Since it’s going to rain all weekend anyway, maybe I’ll go see it again. Next up on my list:
- Dream House
- Moneyball
- Warrior
If you haven’t already seen Drive, Contagion, The Help and Rise of the Planet of the Apes, I’d say hop to it. All good. Thanks goodness the mindless summer blockbusters are done. Now for better and better right up until December. Yay!