Award-winning writer Dorri Olds survived multiple suicide attempts, she told CBS News, “Even with the best intentions, I don’t think Kate Spade could have snapped herself out of it. When you’re suicidal, you’re not thinking about anybody else, and it’s not because your selfish. It is because you’re not well…. It’s about mental illness,” said Dorri Olds, who said she understands what Kate Spade what must have been feeling. The 56-year-old says she tried to commit suicide multiple times before getting help. We need to remove stigma from the conversation about mental health
Read MoreWish I could blame nuclear weapons, a mutant virus or Hitler for the malformation in my Russian Jewish bloodline, but my theory is a suicide gene. My 9 lives. Suicidal tendencies and nine lives for a Weeble (“Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down.”)
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