The Psychology of Colors in Marketing

Colors impact moods, feelings and behaviors. Our subconscious experiences a positive or negative reaction to colors. On the web it takes less that 30 seconds to make a first impression. Blue is a favorite color among a majority of viewers. Subconsciously it conveys safety, security and authority. But watch out for certain blues which come across as cold and institutional. Depending on the type of Green used it can imply wealth, health, nature, tranquility or status. Dark greens best symbolize money. Black says powerful and brave. It creates drama. But too much white text on black backgrounds can strain viewers’ eyes, especially older viewers. Red is the most emotional color. It’s bold and has been proven to stimulate heart rate. Red suggests excitement and strength. However, in business, too much of it can symbolize debt. Red demands attention and in certain uses screams danger/warning. Due to it’s intensity, it must be used correctly for dramatic effects in your marketing. White can be a great marketing tool if used boldly on a dark background. But, it’s best not to use it in big chunks of text. As stated above it can create eye strain. Yellow is used for legal pads because it can increase concentration. Yellow also suggests warmth, joy and happiness. Be careful of using faint shades of yellow which can look weak and wimpy. Too much of it can be overpowering.

1 thought on “The Psychology of Colors in Marketing”

  1. Thanks for making me feel good about my choices, when I didn’t even understand WHY I was making those choices.

    My blog is a deep blue. When I rebranded my last client, the Hawaii Women’s Business Center, we chose hunter green and dark gray on cream. And before we came out with our new logohead, I nixed an ad that was reverse type on black, because I felt it was too copy-heavy to be easily read.

    I feel better about myself already! Thanks!!!!

    Warmest aloha,

    Kay Lorraine
    Nonprofit Executive
    Honolulu, Hawaii

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