We Follow is a Twitter Directory

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WeFollow is a site to easily find twitter users through hashtags (#). Hashtags indicate groups based on topics. What is great about WeFollow lists the most followed twitterers in lists by topic, i.e., Music, SocialMedia, TV, Tech, News, etc. It also keeps track of the Top Tags, meaning the tags that are the most followed, and it lists Top Twitter Users, as determined by the amount of followers those users have. This type of information helps a twitter user to widen their network. Why email a few people one at a time for something you’d like to attract attention to. Use Twitter, Hashtags and WeFollow to reach more and more people with each tweet.

The number of Twitter users is staggering. For example Ellen Degeneres (TheEllenShow) has 3,553,238 followers as of today. Ashton Kutcher (aplusk in the Entrepreneur group) has 3,827,936. My favorite at this moment is mashable. He is in a few groups of interest to me: Tech, Socialmedia.

It’s easy to add a Twitter account into the WeFollow index – there is a green “button” at the top right that says, Add Yourself to WeFollow. Click on that and it will take you to a place to add yourself to groups by interests you type in. Then at the bottom there is a button that says Send! – Add me to WeFollow. Click on that. You will get a confirmation that you’ve been added. It’s that simple and it’s FREE!