American Kennel Club ranks English Bulldogs as number four in the USA’s favorite breeds. It is easy to see why. One look at that pushed-in face and jowls flying amidst wrinkles galore and you’re in love. With their tough-guy swagger and underslung jaw, Bullies have that gangsta look going on. But they’re so bow-legged the little fellers look like they stayed too long at the rodeo.
As intimidating as they seem, these gentle-giant-headed pooches are calm, quiet love bugs with patience for children at legendary levels. And don’t even get us started on the puppies… Sqeeeeeeeeeee!

They are so charming and lovable but many new owners don’t realize that this breed is prone to many medical problems and they are often abandoned. Here is a fact sheet about these marvelous dogs.
Education is the key factor in protecting these funny little beasties.
Bulldogs can be high maintenance. They have a tendency toward more health problems than other breeds. They wheeze, snort and snore and can be prone to pinched nostrils that make it difficult to breathe. Treatments vary depending on severity but your dog may need surgery to widen narrow nostrils or shorten long palates.
To learn more visit Beth Stern’s favorite nonprofit for this wonderful breed: Long Island Bulldog Rescue.