In the Indie film Union Square, Academy Award winner Mira Sorvino shows her chops once again playing Lucy, a deeply troubled, self-absorbed, erratic and emotional sister to Jenny, played by the stunning and talented Tammy Blanchard. In a powerful cameo, Patti LuPone plays their narcissistic, chain smoking mother.
Read MoreThe new movie, ‘Red Lights’ written and directed by Rodrigo Cortes stars Cillian Murphy, Sigourney Weaver, Robert De Niro, Toby Jones, Elizabeth Olsen and Joely Richardson. With a powerful cast like that one expects better. The problem isn’t with the acting, though. It’s the writing that falls down. The synopsis is intriguing: Dr. Margaret Matheson (Sigourney Weaver) and her team … Read more
Read MoreMira Sorvino at a New York City press event to promote her latest film ‘Union Square’ — a low-budget yet high-spirited family drama in which Sorvino plays a troubled sister to Tammy Blanchard. Directed by Nancy Savoca.
Read MoreActor Cillian Murphy and Director Rodrigo Cortes open up at a New York City press event for their new movie Red Lights opening July 13, 2012.
Read MoreActress Tammy Blanchard and Director Nancy Savoca discussed their upcoming movie ‘Union Square’ with journalist Dorri Olds.
Read MoreWoody’s attitude regarding paparazzi seems much healthier than, say, Alec Baldwin’s. Alec Baldwin allegedly punched Daily News photographer Marcus Santos. Here also is a photo of Alec wearing a bedspread over his head. During an interview with Marcus Santos he said that Alec Baldwin came at him “like a raging bull.”
Read MoreIf Woody hadn’t set the bar so high, critics of his new movie wouldn’t be as niggling. Alec Baldwin summed things up, “Woody Allen’s less successful efforts are far better than most other films you’ll see.” So, while it doesn’t have the magical intrigue of Midnight in Paris, Woody’s zany humor throughout To Rome With Love makes it well worth schlepping to the theater for.
Read MoreShawna and Keifer Thompson are country music’s Grammy-nominated wife and husband team known as Thompson Square.
This month they will help Patriot Rovers, an amazing organization committed to rescuing and training psychiatric service dogs to provide love 24-hours a day to U.S. veterans who lost limbs and/or suffer from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). They have teamed up with Nestlé Purina PetCare Company for a Facebook fundraiser called “Dog Families Know”
Movie ‘Seeking Justice’ stars Nicolas Cage who plays a good guy—devoted husband and caring teacher—who is roped in by evil doer Guy Pearce to avenge his wife’s (played by January Jones) brutal beating and rape. Available on DVD June 19, 2012.
Read MoreOn June 18th at 9pm (EST), HBO premieres the 2012 Tribeca Film Festival documentary ‘One Nation Under Dog’ which explores the passion and devotion that dog lovers have for their furry best friends. It covers many complex issues about dogs and dog owners in our society—from dog bites, dog cloning to dog cemeteries and pet loss grief groups.
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