Right now I am working on so many projects I need to create a list to sort them out and stay on deadline with all of them. So here goes.
Finishing up my August cover story for the New York Resident magazine about Oscar-nominated actress, Vera Farmiga and her directorial debut, Higher Ground.
Turn my attention to a new assignment from Petside.com (Buddy will of course make a cameo).
Write up a proposal for another star interview (I won’t say who yet… just to build suspend and to save face in case it falls thru).
Continue work on websites. One for beautiful miniature animal art by Melody Lea Lamb.

Finalize copy on my review of Magic Trip, a new movie about the famed Ken Kesey bus trip immortalized in Tom Wolfe’s Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test.
Continue to interview all people involved in my author profile/book review for Face to Face about a mother whose son shot off his face with a rifle in a failed suicide attempt and about the extensive expensive plastic reconstructive surgery he had to endure.
A brochure for Ann Woodfield and St. Bart’s church.
Social media for Dr. Thomas Romo.
Social media for Little Baby Face Foundation.
Feed my neighbor’s cat (she’s away).
Begin to compile all of my notes for my travel piece about Cancun, Mexico.
Make a phone call to receive instruction for my new brochure(s) project for a real estate company.
Follow up on PPGGNY (Philanthropic Planning Group of Greater New York) conference photos project (I am awaiting their captions).
Begin 2 more book reviews
Follow up on pitches to magazines, especially one on a personal essay that is probably the best thing I ever wrote (to date).
Watch Law & Order reruns while I do my 3 loads of laundry.
Count my blessings and exude gratitude that i have work.
Take a nap.